“John will push you to perform at a very high level which in turn makes us more money and his projects are completed on time with top quality work. John has years of experience in the construction industry and the business end as well.”
-Jimmy Manis, President
“Empowering Subcontractors provides a comprehensive roadmap to enable your company to achieve excellence in the construction industry.
Based upon the developer’s years of experience and knowledge, this training course provides subcontractors with the missing link to connect the critical relationships between the general contractor and subcontractor creating a win/win team approach. total successful long-term association.”
– Sheila R. Poling, CEO/Owner
“John understands the importance of teamwork to produce quality work for clients. on time, within budget and to everyone’s satisfaction.
He has. a terrific understanding. of just how important it is that the GC/CM and their subcontractors have a strong and trusting relationship.”
-Geoff Overmeyer, AIA, President and CEO